Vision & Mission Statement, Town Council Members, Staff

Vision Statement
Striving to promote a healthy, friendly, unified community atmosphere, by providing infrastructure allowing economic and community development.

Mission Statement

Pine Haven Town Government strives to operate with honesty, integrity and to maintain a transparent form of government, keeping the health, safety and welfare of all citizens a priority.

We further resolve to encourage responsible community development.


******* TOWN COUNCIL *******  


All meetings are open to the public,

with the exception of Executive Sessions.

Meets the second Tuesday of each month
Regular Meetings start at 7:00 p.m.

MAYOR, Karla Brandenburg
(Term expires at the end of 2026) 

Oversight Supervision for Administration & Finance,

Streets & Public Improvements & Community Center


********* COUNCIL MEMBERS *********

Rob Norton - Councilman--Mayor Pro Tem 

Term expires12/31/2026

Dustin Heying - Councilman 

Term expires 12/31/2028

Tom Roberts - Councilman 

Term expires 12/31/2026

Suzette Edwards - Councilwoman 

Term expires 12/31/2028


******* Administrative Staff *******

Town Clerk/Treasurer

Tammie McGovern 

Town Deputy Clerk /Treasurer 
Sondii Boggess
Provides administrative support to the Town Council, Public Works and serves as the Municipal Clerk of Court. Prepares agendas and takes minutes of the meetings of these bodies and prepares same in written form. Serves as custodian of all public records for the town. Monitors revenues and expenditures, processes the town’s payroll and accounts payable, manages investments of all town revenues, prepares monthly & annual fiscal and financial reports. Assists in the preparation of the general operating budget. Manages all town insurance programs such as health, life, property, casualty, liability, worker's compensation, etc.
Public Works Supervisor/Code Enforcement Officer
Sean Glasser
Responsible for all phases of water, sewer, street and municipal building maintenance
 Building Inspector - Sean Glasser
Responsible for all phases of building construction inspections, from site plan reviews, permitting, and inspecting work to issuing certificates of occupancy.

website stats

Request for Action

An action request is the process the Town uses to track a complaint received from a citizen of Pine Haven.

When a citizen calls the Administration Office (307) 756-9807  with a complaint, an action request is created. The request includes the citizen's name, address, phone number, and a brief description of the complaint. It is then routed to the appropriate staff member.   A response to the complaint is routed from the staff member back to Administration, where it is reviewed and approved by the Town Clerk.

A response is sent back to the citizen within 72 hours, however this does not always mean that the complaint is taken care of in 72 hrs. For example, if we receive a complaint about a pothole in the middle of winter, we usually cannot fix it immediately. We will send a reply back to the citizen, stating that we have received the complaint and that it has been added to the schedule to be fixed as weather permits. A copy of the action request is kept in the Administration Office.

When the Mayor or a Council Member receives a complaint from a citizen, they call the Administration Office and the same process is used with one exception. When the response is complete, a copy of the action request is also placed in the Council general information packet, which goes out to ALL Council members for review.