About Council Meetings
The regular meeting of the Town Council is a vital part of the democratic process in the conduct of the Town's affairs. It is at Council meetings that laws, policies and basic decisions are made for the government of Pine Haven. All meetings of the Town Council are open to the public except those exempted by law (referred to as executive sessions), and citizens are encouraged to attend to learn more about their Town government at these meetings and at public work sessions, which are scheduled for more intense discussion and review.
The Town Council meeting agenda is the official order of business at Council meetings. Items for the agenda are prepared and submitted to the Town Clerk by the Council Members and Mayor.
Town Council agendas are available from the Town Clerk and at the entrance to the Council Chambers before each meeting and are posted on the Town’s web site, and three businesses in Pine Haven no later than 8 hours prior to the Council meeting.
Town Council meeting minutes will be available after the Town Council has approved them in the following meeting.