Planning & Zoning Commission

The Planning Commission is involved in the preparation, revision and oversight of development in the Town limits and within the planning boundary in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning and Subdivision regulations. The Commission is primarily advisory to the Town Council on subdivisions, zoning map amendments, annexations, preliminary and final plats, vacate requests, and zoning and/or subdivision text amendments.

The Planning Commission is a six member board that meets the first Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Center. All members serve a three-year term.

For more information, contact Planning at (307) 756-9807, or send an email to

Planning Commission Members
Council Liaison - Emily Smith

Chairman - Charlie Gulley

Vice Chair - Chris Bingham 

Secretary - Carolyn Feehan 

William Smith

Don Dihle

Richard Wilkerson