Financial Management

The Town Council and Mayor are committed to diligent management of financial affairs in order to ensure the Town's long-term financial health and the provision of essential public services.  The Council is committed to working to ensure that the Town government provides services to all citizens and taxpayers in an effective and cost efficient manner. As stewards of the Town’s fiscal resources, we are committed to: 
  • Promoting a culture of accountability and ethical conduct.
  • Ensuring compliance through adequate internal controls for the purpose of safeguarding resources and minimizing liabilities.
  • Valuing the contributions of our employees and encouraging their professional growth and development.
  • Analyzing information to forecast trends and assist in decision making.
  • Fostering an environment of open communication, education, cooperation and service.
  • Providing timely and accurate financial reports.
Budget preparation is started the first part of March ending the lengthy process the end of June. All of the Committee's are involved including the Town Council and the Mayor. In March the budget requests are due and preliminary budget work sheets are compiled by the Clerk and the Deputy Clerk. In April a Budget workshop is conducted and a 2nd Budget workshop the end of April is conducted to review and finalize the budget. In May it is required to have three readings by the Council . At a  Public Hearing, the next Council Meeting in June, will be the third reading of the Budget Ordinance.The end of June a copy of the Budget Ordinance with the Mill Levy is sent to the Crook County Clerk. July a new year starts.