Trash Pickup Procedures:
The Town of Pine Haven has entered into a new Contract for the Towns Garbage Pickup. The procedures for Garbage Pickup will include the following:
- Garbage will be picked up on Wednesdays. Garbage Collection will be starting in Town at 7:00 a.m.
- If Garbage collection Day falls on a Holiday, trash will be picked up the day after.
- Each residence is allowed up to 96 gallons, three (3) 32 gallon garbage bags a week is recommended. Each resident is allowed up to (3) 32 gallon garbage cans/totes. Garbage cans are to be placed at the end of the driveway or curb, or the edge of the black top for ease of access for collection. If your driveway is too steep for cans or containers to stand up, another option would be to place your tied bags at the very end of your drive where it meets the City Street on Wednesday morning by 7:00 a.m. to be picked up.
- All garbage is required to be bagged and tied whether in your cans/containers, or if you choose to simply put trash out in garbage bags. If Garbage is not put into closed bags the Garbage will not be picked up. Loose Garbage not in the containers will not be picked up.
- Private driveways are required to bring bagged trash out to the Town Street!
- Garbage needs to be placed at the end of the driveway and along the side of the driveway. If containers are placed in a holding cage or device at the end of and along the side of the driveway the Garbage sacks need to be easily accessible, low to the ground within easy reach.
- House hold garbage Only – No yard waste, ashes, or animal remains.
Town of Pine Haven’s slash pile, located by the Town Shop, will be opened for yard waste: Grass clippings, branches, needles, leaves, and cold ash. The area will be marked.
- After Trash has been picked up garbage cans are to be placed away from the road and by the house or garage.
By following the above procedures you will be helping the Town and the Garbage Collector!
Karla Brandenburg