Pine Haven was founded by several families, but Coop and Betty Waters helped make this community take form. The Dream for Pine Haven began in the 1960's when people discovered a timbered area nestled in a Haven which protected the campers from strong winds and storms. When a few people decided to build summer homes, Coop and Betty Waters who bought the property in 1954, began surveying out 10 acre tracts and in a matter of 3 years a thousand acres had been platted.
The increasing number of people building in this area caused a Petition for Incorporation of Pine Haven, Wyoming, voted and approved at an election on December 19, 1986, to incorporate. Shortly after that the Crook County Commissioners appointed three (3) inspectors to undertake the duties required by law to provide for an election to be held on the incorporation of Pine Haven, Wyoming. The Special Election Proclamation for the election of 1 Mayor and 4 Council Members took place on March 17, 1987. This is the date the town uses for its Birthday celebrations.